Harrison Ford
... Marshall elnök Végvári Tamás
1997 Az ördög maga The Devil's Own Tom O'Meara Végvári Tamás
1995 Sabrina Sabrina Linus Larrabe Végvári Tamás
1994 Végveszélyben Clear and Present Danger Jack Ryan Végvári Tamás
1993 A szökevény The Fugutive Dr. Richard David Kimble Juhász Jácint
1992 Férfias játékok Patriot Games Jack Ryan Rosta Sándor
1991 Csak egy...
James Dean
... mentora és barátja James Whitmore tanácsára elköltözött New York-ba, ahol filmekben és színpadon lépett fel.
(Kraft Television Theater, Studio One, Lux Video Theatre, Robert Montgomery Presents, Danger, General Electric Theater), valamint buszsofőrként dolgozott.
Több sikertelen kísérlet után a híres Actors Studio növendéke lett, filmekben és Broadway-darabokban játszo...
Anne Archer
... (Because Mommy Work)
Abby, társproducer

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1994 - Végveszélyben (Clear and Present Danger)
Dr. Cathy Ryan

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1994 - Mindent bele, srácok! (There Goes My Baby)...
Miguel Sandoval
... Delfin rendőrőrs (Green Dolphin Beat)
Juan Garcia kapitány

1994 - A San Franciscó-i kölyök (The Cisco Kid)

1994 - Végveszélyben (Clear and Present Danger)
Ernesto Escobedo

1994 - Bosszúvágy 5. - Bosszú kedvesemért (Death Wish V: The Face of Death)
Hector Vasquez

1993 - Őslénypark (Jurassic Park)...
Tudorok 9
1994 - Az alany (Anchor Zone)
Lawson Hughes

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1994 - Végveszélyben (Clear and Present Danger)
Robert Ritter CIA helyettes ügyvezető

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1993 - Hideg ölelés (...
Meghalt James Byron Dean
... mentora és barátja James Whitmore tanácsára elköltözött New York-ba, ahol filmekben és színpadon lépett fel. (Kraft Television Theater, Studio One, Lux Video Theatre, Robert Montgomery Presents, Danger, General Electric Theater), valamint buszsofőrként dolgozott. Több sikertelen kísérlet után a híres Actors Studio növendéke lett, filmekben és Broadway-darabokban játszott. Hollywoo...
Protest against the malicious,
... expressly non-communist Government in Hungary, a series of articles in Canada's Maclean's Magazine, and the Globe and Mail go out of their ways to portray the newly elected legitimate representatives of the Hungarian Government, and Hungarians as inherently antidemocratic, and questions the commitment of Hungarians to democracy.
In the followings, we wish to list some of the ...
Ez történt - Július 1.-én
... stimulated stability in trade. Sallam was said to speak 30 languages.

1018 EASTER, TOULOUSE (France)
According to a Christian tradition called "Colaphisation," a Jew had to present himself to the local priest to receive a blow to his face. Hugues, the local Chaplain, hit the unfortunate victim so hard that "his brains and eyes...spilled to the earth". Only in the...
Ez történt - Augusztus 1.-én
Augusztus 1.

641 SOLIN (near Split, present day Croatia)
After an attack by the Mongolian Avars, the Jewish community which had existed for 300 years was destroyed.

992 TREVES (France)
The Bishop ordered the mass conversion of the Jewish population. Before the edict took effect, the Jews spent the day fasting and an effigy of the Bishop was burned....
Kristallnacht, Nuremberg Laws
... he said that everybody came to Munich. It was customary, after the march was over, for practically everybody to meet at the Munich City Hall for a dinner, at which the Fuehrer was also present. I never attended that dinner in any of the years in question, as I used to utilize my stay in Munich by attending to various other matters in the afternoon of that day. I did not take part ...
TRIANON! - Cser Ferenc gondolatai a 92. évfordulón
TRIANON! - Cser Ferenc gondolatai a 92. évfordulón - magyarul és angolul

Az diktálja a békefeltételeket, aki kirobbantotta a háborút?
Minden jel szerint igen. Ez ugyan távolról ellentmondásnak tűnik, valójában viszont nem az. Az I. világháború kirobbantásának egyik - ha nem éppen a legfontosabb - oka a háborút átmenetileg lezáró béke feltételeinek dik...
TRIANON!- Cser Ferenc gondolatai- 92. évford.(magyar/angol)
... superior. Those, who were preparing the peace dictate were irritated that after their defeat the Hungarians trampled into dust the bloodthirsty Bolshevik swashbucklers who were prepared to present the state to the internationalists. ‘I do not want to see any soldiery' the Bolshevik Minister for War proclaimed. Hungary had to be humiliated and her conditions of existenc...
Ez történt - Július 1.-én
... stimulated stability in trade. Sallam was said to speak 30 languages.

1018 EASTER, TOULOUSE (France)
According to a Christian tradition called "Colaphisation," a Jew had to present himself to the local priest to receive a blow to his face. Hugues, the local Chaplain, hit the unfortunate victim so hard that "his brains and eyes...spilled to the earth". Only in the...
Ez történt - Augusztus 1.-én
Augusztus 1.

641 SOLIN (near Split, present day Croatia)
After an attack by the Mongolian Avars, the Jewish community which had existed for 300 years was destroyed.

992 TREVES (France)
The Bishop ordered the mass conversion of the Jewish population. Before the edict took effect, the Jews spent the day fasting and an effigy of the Bishop was burned....
Ez történt - Július 1.-én

1018 EASTER, TOULOUSE (France)
According to a Christian tradition called "Colaphisation," a Jew had to present himself to the local priest to receive a blow to his face. Hugues, the local Chaplain, hit the unfortunate victim so hard that "his brains ...
Ez történt - Augusztus 1.-én
Augusztus 1.

641 SOLIN (near Split, present day Croatia)
After an attack by the Mongolian Avars, the Jewish community which had existed for 300 years was destroyed.

992 TREVES (France)
The Bishop ordered the mass conversion of the Jewish population. Before the edict took effect, the Jews spent the day fasting and an effigy of the Bishop was burned....
Dr. Eva Maria Barki petíciója Románia vezetőihez
A székely nép fennkölt menetelése nyomán Dr. Eva Maria Barki Bécsben élő nemzetközi jogász fontos petíciót juttatott el Románia vezetőihez, Traian Basescu államelnökhöz, Victor Ponta miniszterelnökhöz, valamint a román parlament két házához. A magyar eddig Európa legszerényebb népe volt, és nem csatlakozott a dél-tiroliak, katalánok, baszkok, flamandok és skótok önrendelkezési k...
59 éve ment el 24 évesen James Dean színész
... után mentora és barátja James Whitmore tanácsára elköltözött New Yorkba, ahol filmekben és színpadon lépett fel (Kraft Television Theater, Studio One, Lux Video Theatre, Robert Montgomery Presents, Danger, General Electric Theater), valamint buszsofőrként dolgozott. Több sikertelen kísérlet után a híres Actors Studio növendéke lett, filmekben és Broadway-darabokban játszott. Holly...
... Groove 5nGEXac" >target="_blank"
Aux 88 - Groove Theory XpTad6E" >target="_blank"
Aux 88 Present Black Tokyo - Astral Projections (Detroit Mix) h9X_nJ0" >target="_blank"
Aux 88 Present Black Tokyo ...
Elég a meghatározó médiák félretájékoztatásaiból!

1 2 
Címkék: Harrison Ford, James Dean, Anne Archer, Miguel Sandoval, Meghalt James Byron Dean, Nuremberg Laws, Cser Ferenc, Maria Barki, Végvári Tamás, Meara Végvári Tamás, Sabrina Sabrina Linus Larrabe Végvári Tamás, Végveszélyben Clear, Present Danger Jack Ryan Végvári Tamás, Fugutive Dr, Richard David Kimble Juhász Jácint, Patriot Games Jack Ryan Rosta Sándor, James Whitmore, Kraft Television Theater, Studio One, Video Theatre, Robert Montgomery Presents, General Electric Theater, Actors Studio, Because Mommy Work, Present Danger, Cathy Ryan, There Goes My Baby, Green Dolphin Beat, Juan Garcia, Cisco Kid, Ernesto Escobedo, Death Wish, Hector Vasquez, Jurassic Park, Anchor Zone, Lawson Hughes, Robert Ritter CIA, Hungarian Government, Mongolian Avars, Munich City Hall, Bolshevik Minister, Maria Barki Bécsben, Traian Basescu, Victor Ponta, Groove Theory, Present Black Tokyo, Astral Projections, Detroit Mix, meghatározó médiák, ördög maga, híres Actors, legfontosabb &#8211, háborút átmenetileg, román parlament,
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